Friday, June 29, 2012

What is Mocha Memoirs? The Significance of the Name.

by Nicole Givens Kurtz
Owner/Publisher-Mocha Memoirs Press, LLC

As our second anniversary launches, I would like to answer what on the surface appears to be a simple question, but in more complexity, isn’t a simple one at all.

What is Mocha Memoirs?

Are we an erotic romance publishing house? Are we a science fiction, horror, and fantasy publishing house? Do we self publish? Do we make authors pay for publication? What—and who—are we exactly?

Mocha Memoirs Press is an electronic publishing house focused on producing quality commercial fiction in the genres of romance, science fiction, fantasy, and horror. Those genres are very broad, and as such, we accept subgenres within those as well. For example, an erotic romance set in the future, or a horror romance story that ends with a Happy Ever After.

To put it plainly, we like—and publish, great stories, regardless of the labeling.

The only absolute rule is we do not publish non-fiction, hate filled works, or erotic romance that includes bestiality, golden showers, rape, or anything we deem degrading.

So, one question I often get when I meet readers at conventions is why Mocha Memoirs, especially when we don’t even publish memoirs?

Again, the answer is pretty simple. I like alliteration. Most importantly, late one night in 1998 when I was looking for a title to call my electronic magazine of short fiction and poetry, I wanted something that spoke to others like me—a creative African American woman. Although the stories aren’t personal memoirs per se, each story an author tells carries hallmarks of the individual who wrote it, and thus memoirs.

No great mystery. Just a woman with a goal to produce quality works and a mad obsession with good stories. Mocha Memoirs is an outlet for authors to connect to readers.

Enough said.

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