Monday, November 17, 2014

Dark & Twisty

So. I've always thought that what I wrote was a little... fluffy. Mostly the bright side of the fiction barrel. Anything dark and twisty in my writing must be an abberation, or at the very least the result of something in my life. Right? Right!

I am basically a "Look on the bright side" kind of person. I've been called Pollyanna while at work. But as I've told my boss, just because I'm cheerful or putting a positive spin on something does not mean that I'm living in lala land. Oh no.


I don't like to share dark and twisty Wyn so much. When I do, it is perversely more personal than any bright and happy story I could ever share. Dark and twisty is where the artist in me has created her lair... She hides in there sometimes, waiting, watching. Others, she comes roaring out spinning webs of darkness and beauty wherever she might go.

Because that's what I really like. I don't like horror. Not anymore. Grew out of most of it rather quickly. But if you can spin me a web of darkness and beauty, oh.


I write the two different types of stories differently, too. Happy, funny stories I write in discovery mode-- finding out what's gonna happen next. It's great, it's fun for me as a writer. The other comes out of my brain fully crystalized and it's a marathon to get it out. And get it out correctly.

So.. I guess what I'm saying is this:

I might have a split personality.

But that's ok. We're all doing just fine in here :)
Do you have any story abberations? Or stick to one style/type?

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