
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Come Meet Raelynn Blue!

RaeLynn Blue is the author of numerous tales of erotic interracial romance and speculative romance. With an imagination that's varied and diverse, her tales explores love in all its many shades, situations and scenarios. She fell into romance stories at the ripe age of eleven and has been writing stories ever since. A humble scribbler of tales, RaeLynn is actively writing another story of lust, love, and romance.

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? Like most writers, I've been writing stories before I even could write letters, form words, etc. I remember rewriting the ending of nursey rhymes or extending the story line as far back as I can remember. So, I can't remember a time when I wasn't writing.

How long does it take you to write a book? It depends on the book, but usually a short novella takes me roughly six months--on average to write.

What is your work schedule like when you're writing? If I'm lucky and the day job isn't a beast, I write straight through the chapters until the characters have nothing else to add or until my body gives out.Then, I go back and read what I have written, ask the characters if I have it down right, and proceed to the next chapter.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk? My most interesting quirk? Probably that I like to go back over a chapter, adding in details, fleshing out the scene again and again before moving on to the next chapter. Oh! I also write everything out long hand, but that isn't really interesting.

Where do you get your information or ideas for your books? Life. People. My personal history. The person history of friends. Porn. Comics. Everything. I mean, I have written an entire novel based on water left on the road after an accident scene.

What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books? That it's hard. LOL!!

How many books have you written? Which is your favorite? To date, I have written 59 titles. My favorite one?  Um, it would have to be, uh *looks over shoulder at mob of characters*...I  will have to get back to you.

What do you think makes a good story? A good story is one in which the read can relate. A relatable and entertaining story is not an easy thing to create.
What quirks (flaws) if any do your hero and heroines have? My heroes and heroines are human and as such they succumb to all the things we do--lust, jealousy, insecurity, and other human emotions.

 Which of your books is your favorite?My favorite book is THE ONYX SCION. It's about lost destiny, love, mystery, and intrigue as well as sex in an urban fantasy sort of like Kim Harrison's stories. 

 Which of your characters
 is your favorite? My favorite character recently is Aerial from ICING ON THE CAKE. She's a funny, smart, self confident woman and her fierce love for Brice is encouraging.

 What would your ideal career be, if you couldn't be an author? My ideal career if I couldn't write? English teacher.

Have you ever been surprised by a controversy among fans or reviewers - for example, you created a character without thinking too much about what people would think of him, and found some readers loved him and some hated him? I have found that in my story,  WASABI HEAT, a few readers didn't feel I was being true to my heroine, but I was. There was a lot of volley between readers about whether or not a "real" African American would behave like my heroine did. It took me completely by surprise.

Where can readers find you (What websites, emails etc)?, #raelynnblue (Twitter)
What TV shows do you watch? I love NCIS, The Walking Dead and The First 48. I know, I know, none of those are romantic...
Tell us five things about you, that we wouldn't know. Whew. Okay. Here I go....
1. I'm only five feet tall.
    2. I do not eat chocolate.
     3. I'm asthmatic
     4. I love cats.
     5. I can change a tire. 
Where can we find your book(s)? You can find a complete list of books here at
Thanks so much  for taking the time to answer these questions. No, thank you! It's been so fun.
MMP Title: Beauty & the Geek: Rocket to Love

Blurb: While recreational shopping, Jewel Isles and her friends discover all kinds of deals and steals at the Atlanta Shoe and Purse Expo. When Jewel heads to the ladies room, she nearly trips over a geeky, but surprisingly handsome man.

Ben Wook Sun, NASA scientist and Star Trek® lover, didn’t understand why beautiful women like Jewel Isles insisted on dating men who lacked intellectual depth. Adjusting his black-rimmed glasses, Ben made the conscious decision to convince Jewel that he was the best for her—period. It didn’t take a muscle-bound brute to scoop her up and whisk her away. He was more than capable.

But first, he had to get her to go out on a date with him. Astrophysics, this wasn’t. 
“Good one, Anderson!” Ben shouted back and rolled his eyes. He tapped the rim of his shot glass. “One more, please.”
The bartender nodded. He refilled Ben’s tequila and sloshed it a bit.
“Hey!” shouted Race, his fellow scientist.
The bartender, a big beefy man with a lot of facial hair growled at Race. “Shut that hole, nerd.”
“Yeah, well, your momma!” Race shouted back.
“Race!” Ben snatched the wiry scientist by the collar and out of the bartender’s face. He said to the hunk of ancient human DNA serving drinks. “Ignore him. He’s had a lot to drink.”
“I could’ve handled it,” slurred Race, hiccupping to punctuate the sentence. Unfocused eyes roamed all over the place.
“I think you need to be cut off. You’ve had way too much,” Ben said.
“Whoa!” Race ignored Ben’s advice and fell to the floor, banging into a few of the other scientists. They yelled at him, but quickly went back to chatting about whatever suited their fancies. Race clamored, clumsily rising to a standing position.
With eyes wide, Race said to Ben. “Did you see them?”
Ben followed Race’s blatant stare to a trio of women who strolled into the restaurant. The scent of floral and expensive perfumes still lingered on the otherwise stale air. Sun-kissed skin, strappy sandals, and long cinnamon-toned legs dressed in brightly colored sundresses. Goodness, he loved summer. Oversized sunglasses pushed into shiny, full hair completed what Ben could only describe as beauty dipped in sunlight.
No wonder Race fell over.
“I do now,” Ben said and reached over to close Race’s gaping mouth. “Good call.”
“Damn. That’s one hot rocket, huh? I’d like to launch her blasters,” Race commented.
“Which one?”
“The one in blue,” Race said.
“Wookie, those women are gorgeous, like that BeyoncĂ©. African-American women are so gorgeous. Stunning. The one in the pretty blue, she could launch my rocket.”
“Kill the rocket jokes,” Ben said, hearing Race’s slur on the s.
Ben saw her. The average pronoun couldn’t even begin to convey the extraordinary woman in red. He wiped his hands across his khakis. Red had been a good choice because she was a firecracker. Cinnamon brushed legs went on forever. Ben’s heart actually skipped a beat. Then another. Could be the tequila.
The woman’s ka-pow landed a huge wallop on him.
“Wow,” Race said again.
“Those kinds of women are all about money,” Ben countered.
Race shrugged. “We got money, well, except for Thomas, but his ex-wife took half.”
Ben tossed back the dark amber liquid. The shock of the burn acted like lightning. More awake, he tried to blink back the weary vision. No doubt. He’d had way too much to drink. Probably shouldn’t have started with beer. No. He should’ve stuck to beer.
“Yeah, we have money, but women like them don’t date guys like us.”
“We’re not some other species, though that didn’t hurt Captain Kirk’s chances at all,” Race countered.
Ben nodded.
He could do complex equations in his head, but he’d never understand why woman wanted dumb mates. All brawn, but no brains. Ben shook his head.
“Brad Pitt we aren’t, Race.”
Race’s expression fell. “Yeah.”
Their moods sobered, Ben pushed back from the bar, rotating the stool around and putting his back to the bartender.
“Look, I’m going to hit the sack. I’ve got that panel at 8 a.m. on Astrodynamics.”
Race’s unfocused eyes met his, but then slid back to the women sitting in a booth. Only the tops of their heads could be seen from his position now, but one of the women, dressed in a scarlet red dress, held his attention. Even if the only thing he could see was the top of her curly ponytail.
“Yeah, sure? I’m on the same one, so call me to wake me up,” Race said, or that’s what Ben thought he said. “Will you, Wookie?”
“I’m not your mother. Get a wakeup call.”
With that, Ben clapped Race on the shoulder, threw a fifty on the bar, nodded to the bartender to keep the change, and headed out of the restaurant and out of the thundering noise of the television, the shrieks of drunken laughter, and the roars of multiple conversations. The world spun sluggishly. Steadying himself by using the wooden stools and his co-workers’ shoulders, Ben made his way toward the exit. Race had been pulled into the circle of remaining associates at the bar. Ben heard him lamenting the loss of an old computer, a Commodore 64, his mom threw out two decades ago. Frowning at the lot of them, Ben realized no one would be at his panel. They’d all be hung over.
He smirked.
That was if he made it.
Most of his coworkers could talk about any aspects of rocket science in their sleep. World experts, most of his friends had a life of lecture, academia, and books. Few married. When they did, Thomas happened. A woman would divorce him because she couldn’t compete with being married to one of the world’s smartest men. At 36, Ben had a lot of life left. Sure, not all the scientists were male. Quite a few of the most brilliant minds on the planet were women. So, he had his flings, but those faded fast, dissolved by the acidic strength of competition. He didn’t date other scientists any more.
“Hey, Wookie!” Race shouted.
Ben turned and the step that should’ve been there suddenly wasn’t, and he fell. His glasses clattered against the tile and out of reach. Everything blurred without his glasses and all he could make out of the fuzzy blobs were shades of scarlet and nutmeg.
Then, a heavenly voice, tinted with a sexy husk, asked, “Did that guy just call you a wookiee?”

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Introducing an upcoming novel..."The Siren's Smile" by Jessica Housand-Weaver

If you saw my post last month on the 27th, you will remember that I published the genre-bending romance thriller “The Scream of the Siren” with Mocha Memoirs Press. Likewise, I have also published and won awards for various short stories and poetry. I am also an MFA graduate student in creative writing and expect big things in the future (You hear that? I need you readers!).
After reading "The Scream of the Siren" (and if you haven't read it yet, please do!), you may have found yourself speculating about the dark, brooding lover and antagonist, Alejandro. His character has an intense, obsessive quality driven in part by a tragic past in his native country as well as his damaging experiences with family, crime, and class in the states.While clues and hints are revealed in the "The Scream of the Siren" that enlighten us as to the source of his deep passion and volatile behavior, I found myself (at the behest of some fabulous readers) wanting to further explore Alejandro and cultivate the contradictions that make him so fascinating.  He is gorgeous, complex, mysterious, determined, and brilliant—all the potential to be the perfect soul-mate. 
So what happened? 
Who was Alejandro before he pursued the depressive Jen Hanover, and at what point did all the hatred from his experiences finally destroy the man and his potential? Could there have been another—a femme fatal with a tragic story of her own, so captivating and even sadistic that she helped to shape the love-mad Alejandro as revealed in "The Scream of the Siren"?
All these questions will be answered in "The Scream of the Siren’s" prequel, "The Siren’s Smile". I expect to have it finished by the end of the year at the very latest and will be revealing short excerpts during my blog posts on MMP's blogspot on the 27th of every month. 
Thank you for your time and please keep reading!

You can find Jessica's webpage at: for current news and publication information. You can also view her Facebook page at: or follow her on Twitter at: J_HW

You can find her debut thriller, “The Scream of the Siren” at 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Let me tell you a story.

This weekend is the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books and it is an extravaganza of all things literary. I haven't gone for the last three years because of scheduling conflicts but was happy to wander the booths and breath in the splendor of one of my favorite passions yesterday.

I also had the opportunity to listen to a panel of authors that have written deeply personal memoirs on life, love, and death. It was interesting to hear other authors discuss their process and even give a few hints on how they stay focused but what was most interesting for me was how all of them came back to the theme of being a storyteller.

Though their narratives were housed in the reality of their lived experiences, they all thought of themselves as storytellers. People that weave together words to convey a time and place. Delicately crafted sentences that express thought and emotion. Sounds and actions and the very fabric of life chronicled in detail for others to enjoy. As I listened to them discuss their process of telling a story I couldn't help thinking, what a magical thing us storytellers create for others to enjoy.

It was a thought that kept me bouncing about as I peered at the variety of booths and collection of books. It was so prevalent in my mind that it ignited a little spark of creativity and before the night was over I realized I have a new story of my own to share.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

What the World Needs Now...

is love.

Over the last few days, misery, hate, violence, and all out death and destruction have been reported on the news. My heart grieves for those in West, Texas and those in Boston, Mass.

As the city of Boston, Watertown suburb was placed under their shelter and safety order, I thought of those locked in their homes. Then my mind turned to cabin fever.

Of course, when I think of cabin fever, I couldn't not think about the story I wrote with Shara Azod, Cabin Fever. This story isn't about death and violence, but about love--love between two married people whose relationship fire has fizzled. See blurb below:

Blurb: Uber-busy and highly successful Chanta Nicholson thought she had kept all her secret desires carefully tucked away in her diary. Her husband, Drew, while a good man, wouldn’t condone the type of lovemaking she wanted. She liked it rough and wild, but there was no way conservative, straight-laced Drew would even begin to understand her needs. Drew Nicholson could feel his wife slipping away from, hiding behind her cell phone calls and busy late nights at the office. There wasn’t any way he was going to let Chanta go, not without a serious intervention. He’d read her diary and knew what she needed. Most importantly, he knew how to give it to her. Locked in a cabin tucked away in the Canadian forest, Drew and Chanta can’t just kindle a fire, they must make their love burn like cabin fever. End Blurb
You may be wondering what my story has in common with the Boston Marathon and West, Texas tragedies.


Except that in moments like these, where evil seems to have won, I want to encourage people to love. Don't stop loving, being respectful, and living for and with each other. Remember, to love. My creative works encourages love across racial lines.

Dr. King once said that darkness can only be vanquished with light. Darkness cannot drive out darkness.


Monday, April 15, 2013

Ida B. Wells-Barnett – Feminist Threat

Before you read this blog post, you need to know that I used to be a teacher. Well, I suppose I still am, given that I have children, I guess I'd better be a teacher. Now that the warning is out of the way, let me let you in on another secret: I don't believe in history months. History is the past from which we all have emerged, and it is of dire importance that all history is taught, in its appropriate context. Teaching science? Don't forget the contributions of all scientists, not just the “popular ones”. Dig deeper and learn something new.

This year was the 100th anniversary of the March, 1913 suffrage parade in Washington that was
staged to coincide with Woodrow Wilson's inauguration. Many woman's groups gathered in Washington to recreate this parade and celebrate how far women have come since the original march. Nice, right? Did you know that the organizers of the march wanted the black women to march in the back?

Let's take a closer look, without the rose colored glasses. Woman's suffrage was not for all women. The National American Woman's Suffrage Association, in order to play nice with the southern women, requested that the black women march in the back of the parade rather than with their state delegations.

Mary Church Terrell, another leader of the black woman's suffrage, agreed to “make nice”. Ida B. Wells-Barnett, who bit a train conductor who tried to forcibly remove her from a train car after she refused to leave the ladies' car for a smoker car, refused. This was a woman who had written several pamphlets condemning the practice of lynching and lived under death threats. She was not going to pander to the wishes of a few southern women.

Refusing to conform, she “hid out” until her delegation had passed, then surged into the group of white women – some hostile, some not – and took her rightful place in the Illinois group. According to the timeline on the site, her actions began the integration of the movement. She also had to be protected from the other women in the delegation who were, ah, slightly peeved that a Negro woman dared  march among their ranks, after she had been explicitly told not to.

Now that's bravery.

It is unfortunate that Mrs. Wells-Barnett isn't a more prominent figure in history, especially in the context of women's suffrage and the civil rights movement. Mind you, many of the websites that give biographies of Mrs. Wells-Barnett either gloss over the march, or don't mention it at all. However, a bit of research can reveal how forward thinking and courageous this woman really was, to take on men (black and white) AND white women.

Further Reading:
Ida B. Wells: Crusade for Justice
Ida B. Wells Memorial Foundation

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Seven Questions with SJ: Siobhan Kinkade!

Welcome back to my little sundry corner of MMP! This month it's Siobhan Kinkade in the seven questions hot seat! Disclaimer: We've been friends a while so I have no problem asking her ridiculous questions at the last minute, just as she has no problem harassing me by sending me blank emails in reply at the last minute. Gotta love those kinds of friendships, eh?

1.     SJ: Tell us the best story of when one of your cats interrupted your writing or did something so ridiculous that something happened to interrupt your work. 

SK: My blond cat, Biffin, used to wait until I’d written pages and pages before randomly coming over to plant himself on my keyboard under the guise of “wanting attention”. At the time he weighed around fourteen pounds, so one of two things would happen: either he’d add pages of unnecessary characters or he’d hit the magic combination of keys and delete all my work. That cat really was a menace to my writing career, and I wish he was still here to torment me.

2.     SJ:  If you were sent back in time to write in an old-fashioned way (quill and parchment, travelling minstrel, interpretive dance around a fire, cave painting, talking around the dinner table, etc), and you had to write in that method for the rest of your life, what time period/writing method would you choose?

SK: This is probably the most insane question I’ve ever been asked, but it’s also one of the best. While I love the idea of quill and parchment (just because I like the physical act of writing), I’m partial to the concept of the Symposium. I think Plato was onto something when he had lavish dinners then let crackpots sit around and tell stories. The musings of philosophers greatly entertain me.

 SJ:  What's the best piece of advice you've gotten as a writer?

SK: Stop talking about being a writer and WRITE THE BOOK.

It’s one that I feel compelled to pass on to everyone that says s/he wants to be a writer.

 SJ: What's the piece of writing advice you feel is outdated or unnecessary?

SK: I don’t know that it’s necessarily a piece of advice, but I definitely feel that those who think an agent is required for literary success are living a little in the past. With the advent of e-publishing and the explosion of independent presses (hence, MMP!) it’s much easier for those who truly want to get into the writing game to do so. Agents are nice because they’re the “easy” ticket into the Big Six game, but I really don’t think that’s necessary anymore. There are too many of us on the independent level that probably wouldn’t have been given a chance if we went the traditional route.

5.      SJ: If you had to spend eternity on a desert island with one of your characters (either for company or a food source), who would it be?

SK: Good question. It’s very possible that I’d choose Rowan Keir. He’s big and sexy and chivalrous. Oh, and a shapeshifter that’s a direct descendent of a character from Nordic legend. And he’d either fish for me or find a way off the island so we could get a cheeseburger.

6.      SJ: If you had to let another writer play in one of your universes, who would it be and what book/writing universe?

SK: This one is a little tricky. Having long, long ago (in a kingdom far, far away) dabbled in the fan fiction realm I now have a new appreciation for copyright law and the dangers of fan fiction. Personally I don’t think I’d be brave enough to turn my world over to any prolific author – not because I think I’m too good, but because I think any one of them would look at the mess that pours from my head and die laughing. However, if you, Selah, choose to write trashy fan fiction about my characters, I’d be honored. And use it for blackmail at a later date. (Ed. - I would like to point out here publicly and to MMP that Siobhan has now given me complete public permission to write in and destroy her creations...I'm just saying that we need to make the most of this, Nicole...)

7.      SJ: Favorite thing about being a Mocha Memoirs Press author?

SK: I have to pick just one? I don’t know if I can! I love the laid-back atmosphere and the friendliness and eagerness to help of other MMP authors. Plus Nicole is really sort of an awesome publisher (and a pretty good friend, but I’m not sure I’m allowed to admit that here).

 And since Siobhan was kind enough to put up with me and I guess I like her or something (just don't tell her), I wanted to share her work with the world!

 Steamy Mocha Shot from the 31 Days of Steamy Mocha Celebration.

Michael remembers Shayna and her love of coffee among other things.


Available Now from
Mocha Memoirs Press

About the Author:

She was naked.

Moonlight streamed through the plate glass windows, bathing the loft apartment with a soft, ethereal glow. Deep shadows lurked behind brilliant highlights of white-blue light, throwing the dimensions of the open rooms off by what appeared to be miles. Michael stood in the doorway of the bedroom and watched her – her long, lean body swaying from side to side as she moved around the kitchen. She was a goddess in the dark, her rich, nut-brown skin shimmering silver as she danced on air-light feet across the pale marble tile.
She was a nymph. A siren. A mirage. A dream.
His dream.
The sharp, uneven sound of the high-end coffee maker on the counter filled the silence between them, and the scent of fresh-ground coffee wafted across the room. A moment later the happy gurgling of hot water drove away the harsh noise, followed by a deep inhale and the soft murmur of appreciation. As the coffee brewed she continued to slide around the kitchen, opening cabinets overhead and bending to check drawers. With each new movement a different part of her body swayed, showcasing her supple curves and soft skin. The gently rounded mounds of her breasts swept forward and down when she bent at the waist to examine the coffee mugs on one of the lower shelves. When she knelt to retrieve her cup of choice, the muscles in her thighs and calves tightened, adding further depth and dimension to the fine dimples on her rear.
He inhaled sharply through his nose, the sight of his svelte and dark-skinned queen gloriously overwhelming. He looked down at his own pale body, washed out to a muted gray in the moonlight, and wondered briefly why she chose him. Why she willingly approached him and invited him not only to dinner but back to her home. They were relative strangers, brought together only by a few hours of conversation over dinner and coffee. Looking at her now he appreciated his luck. Shayna, the long and lanky, dark-skinned woman with intelligent amber eyes, was so far above him. A woman of that magnitude deserved much more than his modest lifestyle. She deserved to be pampered, to be worshipped and adored by all, not just by the ghost of a man who haunted her bedroom door.
If she caught him standing there would she keep him or would she turn him out into the cold and unforgiving night? Thoughts raced through his head, pinging back and forth like rubber bullets as he stared at the achingly beautiful woman.


Thanks to Siobhan for not only agreeing to be my victim, but also for forgetting to include a prompt so I don't have to write anything this month! <g> That being said, I hope everyone will check out her awesome title and check out her links to learn more about her. See you next month!

- Selah Janel

Saturday, April 13, 2013

SK Presents: "Alicia" by E.A. Black

Morning, everyone! Siobhan here, back with aa brand new set of questions on a new book. First we talk about the new book - E.A. Black's DARK MOCHA BITE, Alicia. After that I'll tell you more about it and where to get it. Ready to play?


Q&A #2:
Dark Mocha Bites (Horror)

1. Who is Alicia?

2. Alicia asks Eric for a favor. What is it?

3. Alicia tells Eric she's staying in a specific hotel room at the local Marriott. What's the significance of that room?

4.When Eric goes to find Alicia the next day at her house, what does he learn about her?

5. How does Eric help Alicia?

BUY THIS BOOK: MMP Store | Amazon

When the love of his life, Alicia, calls him in the middle of the night to report she had been raped, Eric drops everything to come to her rescue. She takes him on an eerie ride through turbulent hours he can't quite comprehend. Alicia may need his help, but her situation is not what it seems.


Tune in next month for a new book and all new questions!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Things You Don't Say To A Writer On A First Date

Let's say you're going out on your very first date with someone. For sake of argument, you're a guy and your date is female. You've reserved a table at a nice restaurant. You bought tickets for the latest hot action movie. A bouquet of spring flowers is sitting in your hot little hand.

The problem is - oh, my God! - you have to talk to her! What on earth do you say?

Here's the problem. She's a writer. You know little about writers except for your impression that most are insane alcoholics who live in garrets. You have no idea what to say to break the ice. Here are a few tips as to what to not say to a writer. If you say or ask any of the following you're likely to get a snarky response, like the first few examples.

1. "Have you written anything I've read?"

Answer:" I doubt it. I don't write for TV Guide."

2. Will you put me in your book?

Answer: "You don't irritate me enough for me to kill you in one of my books."

3. "So you write erotic romances. Wanna fuck?"

Answer: "Sure, but not you."

4. "Would you edit my book for free?"

Answer: "Sure. You're a doctor, and I have this ache. May I stop by your office and have you look at me for free?"

5. [From a painter] "Got any free books to give away?"

Answer: "Would you give me one of your paintings for free?"

The free thing really gets under my craw. Why do so many people think they can get works out of writers for free? You wouldn't ask a doctor for a free checkup. You wouldn't ask a plumber to fix your pipes free of charge. You don't go to a restaurant, eat a nice meal, and then expect to not have to pay for your food. Why expect a writer to create some elbow grease and not pay her for it? Even Craiglist ads either outright say "non-paying", or you find the ads looking for writers that want you to send a resume ... AND write a "test article" or "test story" to see if you're writing is a match for that company. Don't fall for it. Those companies are farming for free material, and you'll never get hired let alone paid.

Here are other examples of what to not say to a writer on your first date.

6. When are you going to get a real job?

7. "Oh, I'm thinking of writing a book, too." And then spend the next hour and a half describing it in full, boring detail.

8. "Oh, I think erotic romances are porn."

9. "So you're a writer... I mean what do you do to make money?"

10. "What did you think of "50 Shades Of Grey"?"

So now you know what to not say if you want a second date. Good luck!


E. A. Black Black writes erotica, erotic romance, speculative fiction, fantasy, and horror. She also enjoys writing retellings of classic fairy tales. Born and bred in Baltimore, she grew up under the influence of Edgar Allan Poe. Her erotic fiction has been published by Mocha Memoirs Press, Xcite Books (U. K.), Circlet Press, Ravenous Romance, Scarlet Magazine (U. K.), and other publishers. Her horror fiction has appeared in "Kizuna: Fiction For Japan", "Stupefying Stories", "Zippered Flesh 2: More Tales Of Body Enhancements Gone Bad", "Midnight Movie Creature Feature 2", and "Mirages: Tales From Authors Of The Macabre". An accomplished essayist, she was the sex columnist for the pop culture e-zine nuts4chic (also U. K.) until it folded in 2008. Her articles about sex, erotica, and relationships have appeared in Good Vibrations Magazine, Alternet, CarnalNation, the Ms. Magazine Blog, Sexis Magazine, On The Issues, Sexy Mama Magazine, and Circlet blog. She also writes sex toys reviews for several sex toys companies.

In addition to writing, she has also worked as a gaffer (lighting), scenic artist, and make-up artist (including prosthetics) for movies, television, stage, and concerts. She worked as a gaffer for "Die Hard With A Vengeance" and "12 Monkeys". She did make-up, including prosthetics, for "Homicide: Life On The Street". She is especially proud of the gunshot wound to the head she had created with makeup for that particular episode. She also worked as a prosthetic makeup artist specializing in cyanotic blue, bruises, and buckets of blood for a test of Maryland's fire departments at the Baltimore/Washington International Airport plane crash simulation test. Yes, her jobs are fun.  ;)

She lives in Lovecraft country on the Massachusetts coast with her husband, son, and four cats. The ocean calls her every day, and she always listens. She has yet to run into Cthulhu.

Visit her web site at
Follow her at Twitter: