
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Why You Should Read a Mocha Memoirs Press title

by Nicole Givens Kurtz

You know how when you visit an airline, the stewards often remark about how they know you have a choice of airlines and they thank you—sometimes with enthusiasm, sometimes with apathy—for selecting them?

This isn’t that type of blog.

That doesn’t mean we don’t know you have a chose of electronic publishers—you do. We are also extremely grateful to you for purchasing our titles, and reading our great stories.

This blog post is for those who may be on the fence, getting terrible wedgies, because they can’t decide whether or not to try one of our titles.

Of course you should!

You, of course, don’t have to take our word for it. I liken trying a new author, book series, or musician to trying new foods. Sure, the meal may look questionable, and granted you may not understand all the ingredients or the name of it, but all of that is window dressing and labeling. What really counts is how it tastes.

So, I'm asking you on this July 4th, our nation's birthday to embrace your spirit of revolution, rebellion, and freedom to do what this country's forefathers did--take a chance. Try one of our titles today.

Without risk there can be no reward.

And there's no reward like discovering a new series, author, or publisher you absolutely enjoy. Happy Fourth!

Friday, June 29, 2012

What is Mocha Memoirs? The Significance of the Name.

by Nicole Givens Kurtz
Owner/Publisher-Mocha Memoirs Press, LLC

As our second anniversary launches, I would like to answer what on the surface appears to be a simple question, but in more complexity, isn’t a simple one at all.

What is Mocha Memoirs?

Are we an erotic romance publishing house? Are we a science fiction, horror, and fantasy publishing house? Do we self publish? Do we make authors pay for publication? What—and who—are we exactly?

Mocha Memoirs Press is an electronic publishing house focused on producing quality commercial fiction in the genres of romance, science fiction, fantasy, and horror. Those genres are very broad, and as such, we accept subgenres within those as well. For example, an erotic romance set in the future, or a horror romance story that ends with a Happy Ever After.

To put it plainly, we like—and publish, great stories, regardless of the labeling.

The only absolute rule is we do not publish non-fiction, hate filled works, or erotic romance that includes bestiality, golden showers, rape, or anything we deem degrading.

So, one question I often get when I meet readers at conventions is why Mocha Memoirs, especially when we don’t even publish memoirs?

Again, the answer is pretty simple. I like alliteration. Most importantly, late one night in 1998 when I was looking for a title to call my electronic magazine of short fiction and poetry, I wanted something that spoke to others like me—a creative African American woman. Although the stories aren’t personal memoirs per se, each story an author tells carries hallmarks of the individual who wrote it, and thus memoirs.

No great mystery. Just a woman with a goal to produce quality works and a mad obsession with good stories. Mocha Memoirs is an outlet for authors to connect to readers.

Enough said.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


THEY TREATED US LIKE FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Friday, June 22, 2012

Horrific Friday

 Looking for something the to spark your weekend fire? How about something to give you chills in this heatwave?   Stop over and check out IF ONLY  by Miriam Ruff.

And don't forget  THE WATER HAS MEMORY by Pete Zimmerman

or The Scream of the Siren by Jessica Housand-Weaver

We've got what you need to give you CHILLS this summer.

(click on the pictures to be taken directly to each book at MMP)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

July is about to get HOTTER. MMP Celebration!

Next month is Mocha Memoirs Press’s anniversary. To celebrate, we’re going to GIVE away prizes instead of getting gifts. We invite you to join us in the festivities. See below for details.

31 Days of Give Aways
Each day Mocha Memoirs Press will select a member from our Mocha Memoirs Press Cafe Yahoo Group. You must be able to answer some trivia question (psst totally easy too) about MMP. Daily Winner gets a prize. All 31 winners’ names are put into a raffle and one grand prize winner will receive a gift card to Amazon worth $25.00.

To join the MMP Cafe, go here:

31 Days of Steamy Mocha $1.00 shots
For the month of July 2012 only, we’re offering our steamy mocha shots for $1.00. These erotic or steamy romances are powerful packs of deliciousness. Stories from bestselling authors, Tysche Dwai, Billy London, RaeLynn Blue, and Nikki Winter just to name a few will be available.

After 7/31/12, the promotional price will end and these succulent stories will go back to their original prices. All of the stories are brand new. You can’t get these steamy shots before 7/1/12. Our blog will post what sweet sinfulness is available each Friday and Saturday in July. Available at

31 Days of Mocha Spotlights
You’ll want to visit this blog to see what’s new. Every single day in July will have a new blog by guests authors, editors and the owner of MMP. You’ll learn about intimacy, how to be a better writer, what drives character development, and more. Some of our authors have penned short stories just for the blog and our anniversary. You’ll want to subscribe to our blog to stay up to date. Also, this is where we’ll post new $1.00 Mocha shots and winners of our 31 One a Day Giveaway

Of course, there’s so much more. Chats, yahoo groups takeovers and more. Join us in the festivities.
Get started here:

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Makeover from the Inside Out

Bestselling author, Serenity King, discusses her new plan to turnover a new leaf. Resolutions aren't just for January. June is a time for renewal as well. Check out Serenity's dedicaton to her work in Beauty & the Geek: Princess and the Professor.
Makeover from the inside out: A 90 day journey to a healthier me on the inside out.

by Serenity King

Most young women and women are constantly in a battle to compete with society’s norms of what the “perfect” woman/girl should look like. Well, I am doing this to concentrate on a healthier me. This  is NOT a diet, rather a journey to feeling good and making the way I eat and think a way of life…lifestyle changes.

Each day I will start out with a scripture or a quote of inspiration to get started, and then I will post daily throughout on what I did to rejuvenate my mind and body.

I will LOVE for you to join me on my journey to a healthier me. If anyone has anything to add each day,
just chime in and post a comment. My mornings start early so here we go. *Pause* I actually started this
on Saturday, and then it came to me to post my daily adventure into healthiness for others to see.

What we as a people need to understand is that we come in all different shapes, sizes, and textures. Yes,
I said textures. Last year, I read a book by Nicole Givens-Kurtz, and I believe the name of the book was
A Complete Woman. This book dealt with women and the different personalities as well as issues that
each had. A Great book. A must read (IMO).

Textures as in personalities:
Some are what I would refer to as “Wool”. Why? Wool is heavy, strong, and keeps you warm in the
winter months. Now some people are allergic to wool, but that’s okay it doesn’t mean that wool is not
liked it just mean that certain people can’t tolerate it in some forms. But notice there is still a need for
wool. A strong personality.

Cotton: Now everybody in the World uses something or has something with cotton in it. I believe cotton
is the most used fabric around the world, Lol. Why? It’s soft and fluffy…good to the touch. And you
know what it’s pretty sturdy. However, you do have some cotton the shrinks—can’t stand-up under the
pressure. It appears strong, but it too has its limits.

Linen: I love linen, but you know what. Linen wrinkles always. Once you put it on after a few minutes
it looks as if it needs another round with the iron (grin). Still lovely…just need a few minor adjustments
along the way. The same with people—might have a few flaws, but lovely still the same.

Silk: Now we have “Silk”: Silk…soft to the touch—has to be treated gently. Dry clean only or hand washed.
Some people need a tender/gentle touch or approach. Handle silk with care.

So you see people. We all come in different shapes, sizes and personalities…just need handling a little
differently that’s all. With materials, there’s a warning label or care label attached to the material
instructing on how to care for that material. Most of time if you do not follow the instructions careful
something is going to go awry with the material. It’s same with people. Don’t just judge…if you can learn
the person and treat them accordingly.

Okaaaay let’s start this train ride to a healthier me/you. Will join me?



Whoever joins in on my ride must say "Choo Choo."

My goal is 90 days and to lose at least 10 pounds and clear my mind for writing. My journaling will start

Peace and Blessings!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

An Interview with Garth Jenkins--An Interdimensional trucker

by Tom Olbert
Interviewer:Good afternoon. We’ve been granted an interview with Garth Jenkins, formerly a trucker on the famous “Long Haul” project. Currently, a fugitive from the law. And, a very colorful figure in the ongoing controversy surrounding the “Long Haul” interdimensional trucking line and its corporate owners. Mr. Jenkins has consented to grant us a few
minutes out of his busy schedule. Mr. Jenkins, thank you for your time. Can you tell us a little about your current activities? Mr Jenkins?

Garth Jenkins:
Yeah, yeah, in a minute. As you can see, I’m a little busy here. It ‘aint easy diggin’ bullets out of an engine block, y’know.

Interviewer:Uh…yes, I see your truck’s taken quite a beating. This is obviously a dangerous vocation you’ve chosen for yourself, Mr. Jenkins. Of all the paths you could have chosen in life, why the long haul?

Garth Jenkins:Well, what can I say? I’m an ex-con who knows how to drive a rig, so my choices were a little thin, y’know? I learned how to handle myself in the gulf, so I put my talents to use where I could. Like I’ve told my ex-wife Beth about a thousand times: A man spends what he’s earned. No more, no less. Drake, where’s that other wrench?

Sally Drake:It’s where you left it, Jenkins: wedged in the skull of that six-foot cockroach that tried to eat our truck a universe or two back. Can’t you keep track of anything without my help?

Interviewer:That’s your trucking partner, Sally Drake, right? What do you say to the rumors that the two of you don’t get along very well?

Garth Jenkins:
Well, that’s B.S. Sal and me? Hand in glove. We were buddies in the gulf, and we’re thick as thieves now. Well, technically, we are thieves, but you get my drift. We’ve been through hell together more times than I can count. I can always count on ol’ Sal to come through for me when the chips are down. Now, mind ya, she can be a right royal pain sometimes…

Sally Drake:Especially when I bag a hot-lookin’ babe he’s got his beady little eyes on!

Garth Jenkins:
See what I mean about her being a pain? Well, she’s a damn good trucker, she knows her ordnance, and she can handle herself in a scrap. That’s all you can afford to care about on the long haul. Plus…much as I hate to admit it…she’s as good as they come. She keeps me honest.

Interviewer:What do you say to the rumors that you are the biological father of the child of North Dakota’s controversial governor Candace Williams?

Garth Jenkins:
I say, none a’ your damn’ bee’s wax, chum! I said I’d talk about the long haul. I didn’t say nuthin’ about discussing my personal life or Candi’s. Uh…the governor’s.

Interviewer:Uh, Okay. Let’s talk about the long haul. What would you say is the chief danger you face on a typical long haul run?

Garth Jenkins:
Chief danger? Well, take your pick. I’ve had to fight my way past monsters you wouldn’t believe. Things that swim in acid, breath poison and eat metal like it was cheese. I’ve had to drive through parallel ‘verses where the sun’s about to explode, where nuclear wars have happened, and where black holes are gobblin’ up the sky. I’ve ended up in time periods from dinosaur times to the battle of Gettysburg and even thefuture. I’ve seen wars between Earth and colonies on the moon. I’ve had to gun it out with aliens, black market truckers, company goons…

Interviewer:Yes, about your accusations against the company you once trucked for…Do you maintain that they’ve sent you to other universes to transport nuclear bombs for the purpose of destroying new universes as they form?

Garth Jenkins:
Damn straight. The whole world saw that video Sal and I shot. The company’s been gettin’ away with mass murder for God-knows how long. There’s whole worlds…whole civilizations that don’t exist no more because of those bastards in their high-rise office buildings with their fancy lawyers and high-level D.C. contacts. Some of us are gonna stop ‘em from pullin’ any more of their sh*t or die tryin’! Sal, will you find me that sander, please?

Sally Drake:
Find it yourself, Garth! I’m busy welding laser holes on the trailer, here.

Garth Jenkins:
I gotta do everything…

Interviewer:Mr. Jenkins…some consider you a criminal. A smuggler, a black marketeer. Others call you a hero, transporting badly needed supplies to people who desperately need them. Is there anything you’d like to say to clarify how you see your lifestyle in a moral sense?

Garth Jenkins:
Huh…well, I don’t quite know how to answer that. I’ll admit there was a time when I just wanted to turn my back on all of this sh*t the company deals in. I figured it was none of my business. It’s easy not to give a damn’ about people you don’t know, y’know? But, Sal reminded me why I got myself thrown in the brig back in the gulf to begin with. Now, there’s a story. I did what I thought was right. I saved an innocent young girl’s life and they threw me in jail for it. That’s what got me into the long haul to begin with. What it boils down to is…Sal asked me if I’d do it again. I said ‘Hell, yeah.’ I didn’t even have to think about it. Like my daddy always used to say: If there’s a rough road and an easy one to choose from, always bet the rough one leads to the pearly

Sally Drake:Garth, we got company. Smokey’s closin’ fast!

Garth Jenkins:
Damn, no rest for the wicked. Pack it up, Drake! I’m drivin’ this time! ‘Sorry to cut the interview short, pal, but we gotta fly before those state troopers get here.

Interviewer:Where are you off to this time?

Garth Jenkins:
We’re truckin’ grain seed to Africa illegal, and the company don’t like that. They like it a lot better when folks stay hungry and have to buy food from them. I guess we’re gonna have to take the smuggler’s route through ‘verse 117-A. Low gravity, blood-suckin’ mosquitoes the size of helicopters. ‘Hope we packed the bug spray. Let’s roll, Drake!

Interviewer:Any final words, Mr. Jenkins?

Garth Jenkins:
Just keep the sun out of your eyes and the pedal to the metal. Ten-four, good buddy!
Want to read more about Garth Jenkins' adventures in trucking? Grab a copy of Long Haul today from Mocha Memoirs Press, LLC.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

We are proud to feature some of our favorite authors doing what they do best: drawing us in, filling us with emotion, and taking us on an adventure.
So to kick things off, we'll start with a woman who publicly addresses herself as 
"the carebear of debauchery", Janet Eckford.

Carbon Copy.
Janet Eckford

            Jackson finished typing in the last of the schematics for the research he and his team were working on. Rolling his shoulders he looked briefly over at the clock and realized it was getting late. Pulling up an image of the kitchen he could see Georgia putting the finishing touches on his dinner. Smiling he thought about how much better this model was than his last prototype. She’d far surpassed what his team had expected when they’d developed the newest Artificial Intelligence chip. Sal had also out done himself with her artificial skin. They’d found that creating the dark hues of pigment were difficult to replicate with the experimental synthetic skin they’d created but Georgia’s glowed with a health and vitality that would fool the most discerning eye.
              When he and his colleagues debuted her next month he knew that people would be astounded. Some information was leaked and they’d needed to do some major PR work to clean up the mess of misinformation. Scowling as he powered down his computer he thought about all of the jokes about their project that had developed in their professional social circles. If he had to tell one more person that he wasn’t making the perfect sex toy he’d scream.
            Of course detractors were going to point out that the contours to which they modeled Georgia were suspect from a purely scientific aspect. Gathering up his paperwork and putting it in a pile he left it for Georgia to file away for him. What people didn’t understand was they were scientists and the quest for perfection was inherent to who they were. It would be ridiculous to create an AI Droid and have her look just like an average woman. Snorting he thought what a waste that would be. He and his team had spent hours in the design phase making sure that each angle and line of her body was perfect. It was hard work and all those naysayers were going to have to eat crow when she walked out on stage at the convention next month.
            The sound of his growling stomach brought him out of his reverie. Patting his protruding stomach he turned and walked out of his home office. Because of the leak he’d decided to bring Georgia home instead of keeping her in the laboratory. As the lead scientist on the project he felt it was his duty to make sure their investment was protected and it also provided an opportunity for analysis of how she functioned outside of a lab setting. The other men had been initially hesitant but, smiling to himself, Jackson thought that was one of the perks of being in charge.
            Following the tantalizing aromas of the dinner Georgia had cooked for him he walked into the kitchen. He couldn’t help the little surge of awareness that went through his body as he looked at her. Thoughts of last night reared to the front of his brain and he could feel a blush blossoming on his cheeks. He’d really had no interest in testing her sexual responses but the self-learning software they’d installed in her caused her to be very curious. She’d been insatiable since she’d learned what sex was. Jackson still didn’t know how he’d explain it to his colleagues but he’d have to cross that bridge when he got to it.
            “Oh, Jackson you startled me,” Georgia said with the husky breathy voice Jerry had programed her with.
            Pushing a wayward curl from her forehead she smiled over at him before she turned and pulled the lasagna she’d made from the oven. Looking at how her jeans hugged the firm muscles of her body he felt his body harden in anticipation. The smile she gave him over her shoulder caused him to move in her direction and gather her in his arms for a kiss. The feel of her soft lips on his caused him to sigh with happiness.
            Perfect. Just perfect he thought.
            “Food first,” she said breaking the kiss and moving away.
            Giving her another soft peck he turned and gathered up some of the food she’d prepared for him and walked into the dining room. He’d always eaten in the tiny breakfast nook in his kitchen but Georgia had been adamant that he’d start using the dining room instead. He smiled to himself when he thought about how she said it was the right thing to do. She must have picked it up in one of those women’s magazines she devoured.
            Placing the food on the table he sat down and started spooning food on his plate. Looking up he smiled as she watched him expectantly. He told her numerous times that her cooking was superb but she was always a little anxious about the fact she couldn’t taste it herself. He’d promised her that once they’d gotten other bugs worked out that he and his team would put that on their list of things to accomplish. Smiling around his fork he remembered just how she’d thanked him after his declaration. Making the appropriate noises of appreciation as he ate he took a sip of wine and continued to finish his meal. Placing his fork next to his plate he felt a wave of fatigue hit him.
            “You look tired Jackson,” Georgia said in a soothing tone.
            Opening his mouth to respond he responded with a jaw-cracking yawn. His eyes felt extremely heavy that he could barely keep them open long enough to look at Georgia. Moving to get out of his chair he felt as if his body was too heavy to even move. Leaning back he realized that taking a quick nap in the chair was probably the best thing to do.
            “I think I’m just going to doze for a bit,” he said before he was compelled to yawn again.
            “I can carry you to bed,” she replied leaning over to caress his hand.
            “I don’t need you to do that,” Jackson said with a frown.
            They’d done some work with her strength and she could definitely lift him, even with the extra pounds he had, but he did have some pride. He didn’t like the idea of his woman carrying him. Settling back in his chair with a smile, he wondered where that came from. He was going to have to be careful to not say that around his colleagues. They were already jealous of the bond he had with Georgia. Yawning once more as his eyes became to heavy to keep open Jackson thought about how great it was that his woman was just so perfect.
            Jackson woke with a start and for the briefest of moments was disoriented by his surroundings. Sitting up he realized that he was in his room, in his own bed, even though he told Georgia to leave him in the dining room. Scowling he swung his legs over the bed and walked through the dark room to his bathroom. His bladder felt like someone was tap dancing on it. Relieving himself he went to the sink to wash his hands and looked at himself in the mirror.
            He noticed that he looked like shit, not that he was going to win any Mr. Universe contest anytime soon but he definitely looked bad. His skin was sallow with huge dark circles under his eyes. Now that he had Georgia he was really going to have to step up his game. Running a hand through his oily hair he thought it might be time to get a gym membership. Even though he was a pretty tall guy it was obvious he could stand to loose a few pounds. Okay more than a few he thought turning to the side and sucking in his stomach. When it started to growl he smirked and thought that tonight wasn’t going to be the day he started though.
            Heading out of the bathroom back into his bedroom he grabbed his robe by the bed. Georgia had stripped him down to a t-shirt and boxers and he didn’t really want to go wondering around the house in them. Walking out of his room and down the hall Jackson headed toward the kitchen. Pilfering the refrigerator for ingredients to make a sandwich he placed the items on the kitchens island. Turning to the sink he began to run water to wash the tomato he was going to use when he looked out the window and noticed the lights on in the tiny building that housed his home laboratory. Turning the water off he began to frown.
            He couldn’t think what Georgia would be doing in the laboratory this late at night. Putting the tomato down on the counter he headed toward the back door. Opening the door and heading out into the night he stepped gingerly on the grass wet from dew. Once at the building he went to open the door but pause when he heard voices. Feeling his heart begin to speed up he wondered if one of his team had shown up while he was sleeping. He hadn’t actually seen his colleagues since he brought Georgia home. The project was mostly finalized and it made sense for them all to work remotely.
            Looking over at the control panel he reached over and began doing a system check. His code had been used to get inside. The only person beside himself that had it was Georgia. It was specifically configured to allow whomever that used it access to all of the system functions in the building. Scrolling through the menu he accessed schematics of the room. The computer was reading two people inside, one male and one female. Pushing down a ball of rage building inside of him Jackson had to take a deep breath.
            One of those suspicious bastards had come over while he was out and probably ordered Georgia to let him into the lab. They’d all installed voice activated commands in her programming system and could get her to do as they wished. Jackson knew that once he got her home he should have uninstalled all voice commands but his own. Typing in his backup code that allowed him to access the building without being detected he quietly opened the door. He could hear the melodious sounds of Georgia’s voice and a deeper male one. The males voice sounded familiar but he just couldn’t place it. He didn’t think it was Sal’s or Jerry’s. Walking further into the laboratory he followed the voices toward the back where he kept lab hospital.
            Creeping forward silently he paused when he saw Georgia sitting astride the man, rocking to a rhythm he was all too familiar of. He felt his chest tighten with rage at the thought of one of those bastards making her do what was only for the two of them. Because of his angle he still couldn’t see the man’s face but from what he could tell he was taller than Jerry. He looked about Jackson’s height, which meant it could only be Sal. When the reached up and placed his hands on Georgia’s hips to guide her movements, Jackson stood and watched in silent horror as Georgia’s back arched and she let out a breathy moan of release.
            She never made a noise like that with him. He was the only one that was supposed to give her pleasure. Through the haze of red his vision had become he watched as she leaned down and kissed the other man and purred with contentment. Having had enough Jackson stepped further into the room and made his presence known.
            “Get your hands off of her,” he growled out.
            If he wasn’t so angry he might have found the image of Georgia and the other man scrabbling to untangle their bodies amusing. Until he finally got a good look at the man and felt his entire body freeze. Now that he saw whom it was he knew why a tickle of familiarity pricked at his brain when he heard the voice and saw the body, it was Jackson. Well not him exactly as he looked now but a “him” that would be Jackson if he were perfect. Staring in shocked in fascination at his “other” he watched as his clone assessed him.
            “Jackson, you’re supposed to be asleep,” Georgia said in a chiding tone.
            He had no response as he watched his clone pull up pants over his narrowed hips. Still not breaking eye contact with Jackson his clone pulled a t-shirt over his head and covered the defined muscles of his chest and abs. There was almost a morbid curiosity looking at him made in this image.
            “How…I don’t…” he stuttered finally looking over at Georgia.
            She’d pulled on a light sundress while he was staring at his clone and stood there with her arms crossed over her chest and her lips pursed. She looked furious and he felt his own anger respond in kind. He didn’t know how this had happened but if it was what his brain was starting to slowly work out he was the one to be angry.
            “Babe, I told you he’d find out eventually,” his clone said reaching over to gently squeeze Georgia’s shoulder.
            “But I wasn’t ready yet, where not ready yet,” she responded with a forlorn look.
            “Don’t worry, it’ll still work out,” his clone said gathering her to his body in a side hug.
            Jackson felt his mouth opening and closing in disbelief. This wasn’t how this project was supposed to go. He was the creator not his creation. Moving toward Georgia he paused when his clone took a protective step in his direction. The harden look on the AI Droids face and the bunching of his muscles made Jackson reevaluate the situation.
            “Georgia, power down. Command 3489,” Jackson stated with a great deal of authority.
            Waiting, he watched in horror as Georgia sighed with resignation and shook her head. Repeating his order he felt beads of sweat form on his brow. That was the fail safe he and his team built into the model incase of any malfunctions. She should have powered down, leaving him to have to worry about the clone she’d created.
            “I uninstalled that function and quite a few others awhile ago, Jackson. I knew I should have put more of that sleep agent in your food. This is really going to mess with my timetable,” she sighed again as she turned to the table at her side. Lifting a syringe she checked the dosage before she turned back to him.
            “That’s not possible. We…I mean I…” Jackson trailed off as he watched Georgia and his clone exchange a look.
            “Oh Jackson,” Georgia said sadly, “Computer, lock down facilities. Command 7839.”
            “Lock down commencing,” the computers automated voice responded.
            “This isn’t happening,” Jackson said to no one in particular as he watched the two AI Droids staring back at him.
            It was one of the last thoughts he had before they’d wrestled him to the ground and stuck the syringe in him. The other, “But it was all so perfect.” 

The End
If you like Janet's short story, feel free to grab a copy of her two MMP titles, BEAUTY & THE GEEK: I HEART GEEKS and STILL ANOTHER DAY.
MochaNote:  Janet Scares the SugarHoneyIcedTea out of Drea  

looking for more Janet? Find her here

Friday, June 15, 2012

A Sneak Peek at Tom Olbert's LONG HAUL

In the near future, physicists have stumbled on a way to channel dark energy, making it possible to instantaneously travel anywhere in the world by passing through parallel universes as they intersect with our continuum at given points in time and space. Daredevil truck drivers like the protagonist, Garth Jenkins and his trucking partner Sally Drake, earn hazardous duty pay by trucking cargo through perilous alternate universes often infested with deadly alien predators. Garth and Sally are offered a mysterious and possibly illegal contract to deliver some unknown cargo to unknown buyers in another universe. En route to the transdimensional drop-off point, their truck is hijacked by Keira Takahashi, a beautiful and radical young college student who claims they are carrying a nuclear device and are being used by evil alien forces intent on destroying another universe.
At first, Garth and Sally dismiss the young woman’s story as madness, until hostile aliens in undead human bodies make an attempt on her life. Finding themselves on the run and not knowing whom they can trust, Garth and Sally embark on a crooked road through dangerous alien universes and remote time periods. Finally escaping to Cal Tech University and confirming Keira’s story, Garth and Sally must decide whether to get themselves to safety or risk their lives to save a universe. They choose the latter. Arriving in the alien home universe, a barren landscape under a dim purple sun, Garth and Sally turn the tables on the evil company and their murderous alien clients. After a fierce battle, the alien dimension portal is destroyed and Garth and Sally narrowly escape.
Garth and Sally join up with an underground trucking network and devote themselves to fighting the evil corporation.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Aquarian Stars Nevea Lane

In my day job, I come in contact with many personalities from different nations of the world.   Why wouldn’t I take the opportunity to write about a geek who was Russian?   Aquarian Stars started as a mere jotting on a post it note:  ‘Go to the planetarium’.   Most people go to movies or read in their down time, I go to planetariums and observatories when my life allows me to get away from it all.    As I was watching the constellations, I remembered back to my 9th grade history class and the Russian and US space race and John F. Kennedy’s “We Choose the Moon” speech.   He stated “We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too.” (John F. Kennedy, Speech at Rice University, Houston, 12 September 1962) 
And you thought this was just a blog about a book! I’m a nerd and will teach!   Anyway, that speech in my head created the characters of Eloise and Nikolas.   So yes, Nikolas wanted to be Russian, with an accent that would come to America despite the long troubled history with US and Russian space relations.  The conflict with US and Russian astronauts spawned the conflict for my story.  With every good romance, there has to be some conflict, even if the characters want each other bad enough they are willing to step outside of what is ‘good and proper’.   Eloise came off as strong and independent, and a bit of a bad girl who landed on her feet.    Nikolas was quiet, studious, but still the black sheep of his military family.   It was bad enough they couldn’t be together because of the bad stigma of the boss bedding the secretary, but throw in the fact that Nikolas was from Russia and had every intention of going back to Russia, what more of an obstacle did they need?  Eloise and Nikolas are the embodiment of what JFK said; we choose this not because they are easy, but because they are hard.  If their relationship was easy, how would they know they are getting the best of each other? If it were easy, would it stand the test of time and all the challenges that we know relationships will face?
Creating characters that make you feel is the hard part.  Creating a plot line that is driven by geekdom is even more difficult.  When writing the manuscript, I had to delete many paragraphs as it felt like I was either giving a history lesson and lost the story or I was being too ‘nerdist’ and went all out factual.   I’ve said it before, that I specialize in the short story format, and Aquarian Stars is no exception.   However, I hoped to capture all of the angst and longing of both characters to make them come alive in a short amount of time.   Yet, I couldn’t resist throwing actual fact in the story.  Kostroma does house an actual planetarium in Russia that had been in long disrepair and the telescope lens is that old!  Even writing in short story format, authors still must research and put out their best tale. 
So there you have it, Aquarian Stars, a little bit of fact with your fiction.   Happy reading! 

Friday, June 8, 2012


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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Nevea Lane Returns with Big News

Mocha Memoirs Press Is proud to announce the new release from NEVEA LANE!!!!

Nevea has been quite the busy pen warrior lately. If you missed the announcement, SHE GOT ENGAGED AND MARRIED over the Memorial Day Weekend.  Nevea is known for saying she "lives on the run". So we wouldn't expect anything less from her.
So here's to her awesometastic nuptials and her new release!   Congrats Nevea!!!!

Nikolas Perminov’s assignment in America was finished. His project was a success, and now he could go home to his beloved Russia and hide behind his telescope. He couldn’t help to feel a sense of loss when he realized his assignment being finished meant that he would no longer see his assistant, Eloise. He was sure that Eloise didn’t look at him as a man but as her bore of a boss.

Eloise, however, couldn’t get to sleep at night without thinking about her sexy boss and those azure eyes that hid behind his glasses. If it were up to her, she would throw herself at him and make him whisper Russian phrases in her ear. She also knew that being the hellion she was, she would never fit
into his organized world. With one night left together, these two will need help from the stars to see they are perfect for each other.